Sunday, February 13, 2005

Sonnet: The Rose

Written on the Occasion of Valentine's Day, for my Immortal Beloved...

O beauteous Rose! Thou stand tall, and erect
Upon the sodden Febuary soils
Amongst a crowd of self-absorb'd insects;
Sweet is thy laughter, mocking trivial toils
As the warm breeze gently carries thy voice
And thy fragrance to my nose and eyes, spoils
The dream of the morning dew, drowns the noise
That flood'd the air with language of despair,
And stirs the dormant trees from wintry poise.
Th'ascending sun illuminates thy fair
Smile, casts the only shadow in my heart,
And flames the passion I dare not declare.
So fragrance must dissolve, and life, depart;
My love for thee is everlasting art.


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